Jason from the Central Coast NSW, former landscape builder is studying to be a RN and is an avid longboarder. Mostly traditional style (nose riding etc), but a lover of all surfcraft. Whether it’s hanging ten on a longboard at a point break or fading hard on shorter boards pulling into barrels, he is always trying to do so with a strong emphasis on style.

WILD BIRDS: We're seeking your talent!
Being raised in the surf community has led us to make many talented friends.
But we are not only looking for talent in the ocean.
Everyone has talent of some ability and we'd like to showcase it here.
If you can swim, ski, skate, dance, sing or fly we'd love to hear from you.
Just swoop us an email and show us how wild you truly are.
Just swoop us an email and show us how wild you truly are.
We'll get back to you soon!